In Oktober, a month ago, the European Women Payments Network (EWPN) held their EWPN Annual Conference & Awards. In the beautiful location of the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam. A dream to be able to do event photography in such an amazing location. This is the only Pan- European Conference specifically focused on Women working in FinTech and Payments. I wrote this blog in English because there were so many international guests. Take a look at the photos and I would love to hear what vibe the Conference gives you in the comments!
2018 EWPN diner and award ceremony in het Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam
EWPN 2018 Diner & Awards ceremony and Conference
Sometime in September, Silvia Mensdorff-Pouilly, a girl (now an amazing lovely lady) I knew during my university days, contacted me and asked me if I wanted to shoot at an event she and a couple of colleagues from the business had organized (Martha Mghendi-Fisher and Nadja van der Veer). It would be in Amsterdam in ‘het Tropenmuseum‘. There would be more than 200 guests, starting with a diner and awards ceremony on Monday afternoon and the Conference on Tuesday. Of course I would love to do that!

Portrait of Silvia Mensdorff-Pouilly, General Manager Europe ACI on Premise and Executive Board Member- EWPN
Championing for diversity
This is the only Pan- European Conference specifically focused on championing for diversity (gender/cultural/age/race etc) in FinTech & Payments. The conference brings together women from all over Europe for a full day event. The conference featured interactive panels, deep-dive workshops, and plenary sessions with industry female leaders. And it was inspiring, even behind the camera, I can tell you that! I loved hearing all these clever, wise women (and some men), young and a little older, talk about this world in their diverse topics. With the beautiful lovely Conny Dorrestijn, host speaker, during the entire evening and day. She did such a wonderful job!
And the grand finale was the truly great entertaining Charlie McMurdie, Former Head of Economic and Cyber Crime at Scotland Yard & Senior Cyber Crime Advisor- PwC. I just loved listening to her, she was awesome!

Charlie McMurdie (Former Head of Economic and Cyber Crime at Scotland Yard & Senior Cyber Crime Advisor- PwC) “Why the perps then put their crimes on social media, is beyond me!”
Event photography
As with my documentary family photography I work really hard at trying to capture great moments during an event. I am not the click and register photographer. But I am waiting patiently until the moment evolves and the photo is ‘given’ to me by my subjects so to speak. I don’t want my event photography being a photographic likeness but an expression of (intense) feelings, gestures and facial expressions. And I think you can really see in these pictures the warmth, the fun and the intensity these women feel towards each other and their chosen profession.
I also try to make photos that an organization can use more than once. More than just showing how it was like during the event, but also use it as authentic website material, or for other marketing purposes. And I hope that is wat the ladies of EWPN will do! Let me know if I can help you with that!
Please leave me a comment on how the pictures speak to you. I would love to hear your thoughts.